Eight People We Want Dead

Thursday, December 23, 2010

By: Jefferson Cruz
email: jeff.scribbles@gmail.com

You are not a saint, admit it. You can’t love humanity like what Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul did, but you are  neither a devil. You’ve had an overdose of human bitchiness and asshole-ness which keep on sending a teeth-clenching feeling to your nerves. You forever detest these homo sapiens’ display of arrogance, selfishness, mercilessness and moronic attitude that you want to roast them with a flame thrower. These bastards’ egotism and power tripping makes you want to hurl them with a hand grenade or launch a nuclear bomb right in their faces. And if cursing could kill, these people you loathe must be buried six feet under by now. Vanished. Wiped out on the face of our beloved Earth.

History tells us that anger, rage, fury or whatever you call it had caused enough cataclysms to humanity. Hitler’s revenge had annihilated thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Rage had caused World Wars aside from the network wars. Anger caused Muslims and Christians to eliminate each other. Resentment constructed the Berlin Wall. Fury propelled Bin Laden to target the World Trade Center and Pentagon and turn planes into bombs in the September 11 Bombings. Anger also triggers a wife to kick his husband’s ass, tie him up in bed the whole week and shave his mistress’s head. If we analyze the tragic events in history, we would know that anger had caused enough devastation which affected so many lives. This is enough reason to restrain us from getting carried away by our emotions, but why do we still want to exterminate idiots, jerks, freeloaders and the likes? If you experience loathing for these sub-humans, do not blame yourself. Abomination to these idiosyncrasies is nothing but normal.

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