
Monday, November 29, 2010

By Mikejuha
email: getmybox@hotmail.com
fb: getmybox@yahoo.com
blogspot: http://www.michaelsshadesofblue.blogspot.com


Part 1:

I was in my first year of college when I started to be a little enterprising about anything. I tried a little of cigarette and alcohol. And although I considered myself to be kind of aloof and picky when it comes to friends, I got a handful of close male friends with whom I would always hang around with.

Our favorite hangout was my place. My sister had this two-story house just opposite ours and her whole family moved to the big city for good. She left the house under my charge. It was a perfect hotbed for some nasty undertakings.

Well, actually, not really nasty. All I and my friends wanted was to share time and fun like go fishing or swimming in the nearby creek, harvest young coconut, sweet potato or banana, grill freshly harvested young corn, chicken from our livestock, or the fish we caught. And when there would be no class the following day we would either campfire in the middle of the coconut plantation, or stay indoor overnight and buy the province’ most popular drink, “tuba”.

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